Translation Terminology (Draft)
Most of the translations below are given according to the standard published by CNCTST(China National Committee for Terms in Science and Technology).
Some of the translations are not decided yet which are marked with (??). Whenever we decide the final version, that mark should be eleminated.
Let us continually refine this terminology without duplicating them elsewhere.
acquirer 需方
alphanumeric characters 字母数字字符 % C10, XJW (C: Chapter)
agent 主体
ambiguity 歧义
applicative 应用式
assignment statement 赋值语句 % C10, XJW
arity 参数数目 %KWQ
atomic 原子 % C10, XJW
atomic designation 原子标志 % C10, XJW
automated reasoning 自动推理
bay 排位; 又称“行位” (名词委审定,英汉航海科技名词,1996) % C10, XJW
bug 隐错 %在汉语后附上英文。
case 范例 % LX
change management 变更管理
channel 通道
choice pattern 选择模式
clause 子句
cohesion 内聚性
combinator 组合子
comment 注释
Communicating Sequential Processes 通信顺序进程
comprehended expression 包含表达式(注:标准未给出)
component 分量;构件
composition 复合 %数学名词委
concatenation 拼接
concurrency 并发
configuration 配置;格局
connective 联结词
constraint 约束
constraint satisfaction 约束满足
constructor 构造器(不同于C++,Java语言中的构造函数)
constant 常量
rather construed = somewhat artificial;somewhat constructed;construted for a purpose 专门构造的
context free grammar 上下文无关语法 % LX
decimal digit 十进制数字 % LX
deduction rule 演绎规则
delimiter 定界符 % XJW
dependability 可信性
dependable computing 可信
divide and conquer 分治[法]
disjoint 不相交[的]
distributed union/intersection 分布并/分布交(??注:标准未给出)
domain 领域
domain acquisition 领域获取
domain elicitation 领域引出
domain engineering 领域工程
demand certificate 活期存单
demand deposit 活期存款
designation 标志(参见 atomic designation) % XJW
elaboration 细化
elastic deformatio 弹性形变
enumerated token 枚举标记 % XJW
equality 相等;等式 % XJW
equivalence 等价 % XJW
evaluation 求值(注:非标准)
existential quantifier 存在量词
facet 刻面
final state 终结状态
fitting 拟合
% Note : formal should not be translated into "形式化", instead we use "形式"
formal 形式
formal description 形式描述
formal method 形式方法 % XJW
formal system 形式系统
formal specification 形式规约 % XJW
formal specification language 形式规约语言 % C10, XJW
functionality 功能性
generalization 泛化
general token 普通标记 % C10, XJW
generator 生成器
grammar 语法
ground clause 基子句
identification 标识 % XJW
imperative 命令式
indication 指示
intuition 直观理解;直觉
inequality 不相等,不等式 % C10, XJW
inequivalence 不等价 % C10, XJW
inference rule 推理规则
instantiation 例示
intrinsics 内在
invariant 不变式
iteration 迭代
label 标号
lexicographic 字典式
literal 文字(注:标准未给出)
logistics 物流
loose specification 宽松规约 % XJW
membership 隶属关系
metalanguage 元语言
model checker 模型检验器
models of model-oriented specifications 面向模型规约的模型 % XJW
models of property-oriented specifications 面向属性规约的模型 % XJW
model-oriented abstraction 面向模型抽象 % XJW
model-oriented representation 面向模型表示 % XJW
model-oriented specification 面向模型规约 % XJW
model-oriented specification style 面向模型规约的风格 % XJW
modus ponens 肯定前件的假言推理
modus tollens 否定后件的假言推理
notation 记法
network database 网状数据库
observer 观测器
ontology 本体,本体论
open set 开集
operator 操作符operand 操作数
overlap 重叠
overload 重载(过载)?% XJW
operator overloading 操作符重载?% XJW
overloaded operator 重载的操作符?% XJW
partial function 部分函数
petri net 佩特里网
phase 时期 %特定于本书,与stage,step区别
postulate 公设
pop 退栈
project management 项目管理
prescription 规定
pre/post condition 前置/后置条件 %KWQ
production cell 生产单元
proper value 本征值, 固有值, 特征值
property oriented specification 面向属性规约 % XJW
property-oriented abstraction 面向属性抽象 % XJW
property-oriented representation 面向属性表示 % XJW
property-oriented specification style 面向属性规约的风格 %XJW
push 进栈
quantification 量化
quatified expression 量化表达式
reduction 归约
refinement 精化;细分
refresh 刷新
regular grammar 正则语法 %标准为正规文法,但是与 regular language, grammar 等相关其他词条的标准冲突,因此我们采用更加一致的翻译。
regular grammar 正则语言
rendezvous 会合
repertoire 字汇
requirements acquisition 需求获取
requirements elicitation 需求引出
retrieve function 取还函数 %标准给出 retrieve 为检索,但这里表示从具体值到抽象值的取还函数。
routine 例程
sequence 序列
sequentiality 顺序
side effect 副作用
sign 记号
signature 基调(代数学中的翻译) % XJW
single assignment 单一赋值
sort 分类
specialization 特化
specification 规约 % XJW
speech act theory 言语行为理论
stack 栈
stage 阶段 %特定于本书,与phase, step区别
state 状态
step 步骤
step-wise refinement 逐步求精
substitution 代入
subtyping 确定子类型 %KWQ
synchronism 同步[性]
syntax 句法
syntax sugar 句法糖
synopsis 提纲 % XJW
tail recursive 尾递归
thereom prover 定理证明器
token 标记;令牌(仅用于网络) %XJW
total function 全函数
trace 迹
transducer 转换器 %LBC 没有采用 计算机标准委员会的 传感器
transformation 变换
transition 变迁
trace semantics 迹语义
triptych 三部曲 %XJW %LBC:本书中取trilogy的意思,作为triptych的翻译,便于读者的理解。
typing 类型给定
underspecification 不充分规约 % XJW
unique existential quantifier 唯一存在量词
universal quantifier 全称量词
universe of discourse 论域 % XJW
valid 永真的 % eg.谓词是永真的,对于所有的解释
validation 确认
value 值 % XJW
variable 变量
valuation 赋值
verification 验证
well-formed 良构的
well-formedness 良构[性]
well-formedness constraints 良构性约束
wildcard 通配符
Tranlation Group with Prof. Dines Bjorner (picture)

From Left to Right: Guoqiang LI, Jianwen XIANG, Xiaoyi CHEN,
Dines BJORNER, Xin LI, Bochao LIU, Weiqiang KONG.

The pictures are taken on Oct 9, 2006, in Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan.
中华人民共和国国家标准 标点符号用法 Use of punctuation mark
标点符号用法 (国家技术监督局1995年12月13日发布)
句子 sentence
陈述句 declarative sentence
祈使句 imperative sentence
疑问句 interrogative sentence
感叹句 exclamotory sentence
复句、分句 complex sentence ,clause
词语 expression
3.1 标点符号是辅助文字记录语言的符号,是书面语的有机组成部分,用来表示停顿、语气以及词语的性质和作用。
3.2 常用的标点符号有10种,分点号和标点两大类。
4.1 句号
4.1.1 句号的形式为"。"。句号还有一种形式,即一个小圆点".",一般在科技文献中使用。
4.1.2 陈述句末尾的停顿,用句号。
4.1.3 语气舒缓的祈使句末尾,也用句号。例如:请您稍等一下。
4.2 问号
4.2.1 问号的形式为"?"。
4.2.2 疑问句末尾的停顿,用问句。
4.2.3 反问句的末尾,也用句号。
4.3 叹号
4.3.1 叹号的形式为"!"。
4.3.2 感叹句末尾的停顿,用叹号。
4.3.3 语气强烈的祈使句末尾,也用叹号。
4.3.4 语气强烈的反问句末尾,也用叹号。
4.4 逗号
4.4.1 逗号的形式为","
4.4.2 句子内部主语与谓语之间如需停顿,用逗号。
4.4.3 句子内部动词与宾语之间如需停顿,用逗号。
4.4.4 句子内部状语后边如需停顿,用逗号。
4.4.5 复句内各分句之间的停顿,除了有时要用分号外,都要用逗号。
4.5 顿号
4.5.1 顿号的形式为"、"。
4.5.2 句子内部并列词语之间的停顿,用顿号。
4.6 分号
4.6.1 分号的形式为";"。
4.6.2 复句内部并列分句之间的停顿,用分号。
4.6.3 非并列关系(如转折关系、因果关系等)的多重复句,第一层的前后两部分之间,也用分号。
4.6.4 分行列举的各项之间,也可用分号。
4.7 冒号
4.7.1 冒号的形式为":"。
4.7.2 用在称呼语后边,表示提起下文。
4.7.3 用在"说、想、是、证明、宣布、指出、透露、例如、如下"等词语后边,表示提起下文。
4.7.4 用在总说性话语的后边,表示引起下文的分说。
4.7.5 用在需要解释的词语后边,表示引出解释或说明。
4.7.6 总括性话语的前边,也可以用冒号,以总结上文。
4.8 引号
4.8.1 引号的形式为双引号""""和单引号"''"。
4.8.2 行文中直接引用的话,用引号标示。
C) 现代画家徐悲鸿笔下的马,正如有的评论家所说的那样,"神形兼备,充满生机"。
4.8.3 需要着重论述的对象,用引号标示。
4.8.4 具有特殊含意的词语,也用引号标示。
4.8.5 引号里面还要用引号时,外面一层用双引号,里面一层用单引号。例如:
4.9 括号
4.9.1 括号常用的形式是圆括号"()"。此外还有方括号"[]"、六角括号"{}"和方头括号"【 】"
4.9.2 行文中注释性的文字,用括号标明。注释句子里某种词语的,括注紧贴在被注释词语之后;注释整个句子的,括注放在句末标点之后。
4.10 破折号
4.10.1 破折号的形式为"--"。
4.10.2 行文中解释说明的语句,用破折号标明。
4.10.3 话题突然转变,用破折号标明。
4.10.4 声音延长,像声词后用破折号。
4.10.5 事项列举分承,各项之前用破折号。
4.11 省略号
4.11.1 省略号的形式为"......",六个小圆点,占两个字的位置。如果是整段文章或诗行的省略,可以使用十二个小圆点来表示。
4.11.2 引文的省略,用省略号标明。
4.11.3 列举的省略,用省略号标明。
4.11.4 说话断断续续,可以用省略号标示。
4.12 着重号
4.12.1 着重号的形式为"."。
4.12.2 要求读者特别注意的字、词、句,用着重号标明。
4.13 连接号
4.13.1 连接号的形式为"-",占一个字的位置。连接号还有另外三种形式,即长横"--"(占两个字的长度)、半字线"-"(占半个字的长度)和浪纹"~"(占一个字的长度)。
4.13.2 两个相关的名词构成一个意义单位,中间用连接号。
B)复方氯化钠注射液,也称任一洛二氏溶液(Ringer Locke solution),用于医疗和哺乳动物生理学实验。
4.13.3 相关的时间、地点或数目之间连接号,表示起止。
4.13.4 相关的字母、阿拉伯数字等之间,用连接号,表示产品型号。
4.13.5 几个相关的项目表示递进式发展,中间用连接号。
4.14 间隔号
4.14.1 间隔号的形式为"."。
4.14.2 外国人和某些少数民族人名内各部分的分界,用间隔号标示。
4.14.3 书名与篇(章、卷)名之间的分界,用间隔号标示。
4.15 书名号
4.15.1 书名号的形式为双书名号"《》"和单书名号"〈 〉"。
4.15.2 书名、篇名、报纸名、刊物名等,用书名号标示。
4.15.3 书名号里边还要用书名号时,外面一层用双书名号,里边一层用单书名号。
4.16 专名号
4.16.1 专名号的形式为"--"。
4.16.2 人名、地名、朝代名等专名下面,用专名号标示。
例如:司马相如者,汉 蜀郡 成都人也,字长卿。
4.16.3 专名号只用在古籍或某些文史著作里面。为了跟专名号配合,这类著作里的书名号可以用浪线"~~~~"。
5 标点符号的位置
5.1 句号、问号、叹号、逗号、顿号、分号和冒号一般占一个字的位置,居左偏下,不出现在一行之首。
5.2 引号、括号、书名号的前一半不出现在一行之末,后一半不出现在一行之首。
5.3 破折号和省略号都占两个字的位置,中间不能断开。连接号和间隔号一般占一个字的位置。这四种符号上下居中。
5.4 着重号、专名号和浪线式书名号标在字的下边,可以随字移行。
6 直行文稿和横行文稿使用标点符号的不同
6.1 句号、问号、叹号、逗号、顿号、分号和冒号放在字下偏右。
6.2 破折号、省略号、连接号和间隔号放在字下居中。
6.3 引号改用双引号" "和单引号" "
6.4 着重号标在字的右侧,专名号和浪线式书名号标的字的左侧。
Known Errata of Volume 3
Errata, Software Engineering, Volume 3
Domains, Requirements and Software Design
Some known errata are given here for reference.
I recommend the following format and style for typos (J. Xiang):p.xx, l.yy: ..."typos"... --> ..."corrections"...[?] (XYZ)(p. : page; xx: page number; l.: line; yy: line number; "typos": the bugs or mistakes; "corrections": the corrections; ...: the words or sentences before or after the "typos"/"corrections"; (XYZ): your initials)In case you are not confident with the correction, then a optional ? ([] denotes Optionality) can be added at the end of record.All the typos should be ordered by the page and line numbers, i.e., p.xx, l.yy, such that others can easily find the place and insert new records. In this case, I think the number of record is uncessary.
p.274 In the figure named Formal Presentation: Railway blahblah", the line after bold word Axiom, og:"OG" --> og:"oG" (Guoqiangli)
p.429 Section 19.5 Interface Requirements. Under the Characterisation, the first paragraph, the second sentence: "It must be en entity ." where "en" should be "an" . (Liu Bochao)
Known Errata of Volume 2
Errata, Software Engineering, Volume 2
Specification of Systems and Languages
Some known errata are given here for reference.
I recommend the following format and style for typos (J. Xiang):p.xx, l.yy: ..."typos"... --> ..."corrections"...[?] (XYZ)(p. : page; xx: page number; l.: line; yy: line number; "typos": the bugs or mistakes; "corrections": the corrections; ...: the words or sentences before or after the "typos"/"corrections"; (XYZ): your initials)In case you are not confident with the correction, then a optional ? ([] denotes Optionality) can be added at the end of record.All the typos should be ordered by the page and line numbers, i.e., p.xx, l.yy, such that others can easily find the place and insert new records. In this case, I think the number of record is uncessary.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
p.28 Section Input/Output Events Let c,k[i] and e designate channels of type A and B.
The intended meaning of e should not be a channel. It is an expression here. (Liu Bochao)
Page 105. The paragraphs after the title "Domain Analysis:Text". Many "Figure 4.5"(on page 105-106) in those paragraphs shall be "Figure 4.2". (Liu)
Page 113.
a. The first line after "4.8.2". "The predicates alpha,beta,...,omega", in which "omega" shall be "xi".
b. The 6th line of this paragraph, "as if there were ten different symbols", in which "ten" shall be "seven". (Liu)
Page 132. The first line and 5th line under Figure 5.1. "X,Y,X" shall be "X,Y,Z". (Liu)
Page 133. The last but two and three line of the first paragraph, "curve/space" shall be "curve/surface". (Liu)
Page 137. The 3rd item "... at time t the it is not possible for ...", where "the" should be "then". (Liu)
Page 139. The first paragraph, "...which yields the possibly empty map from cars --- .... --- and their positions along those street segments", where "and" shall be "to". (Liu)
Page 149. The first and 4th line before Exercise 6.3, "DaUTIL" shall be "DuaLTIL". (Liu)
Page 233. The last line before Section 9.6. "....of functions (including) processes over these" shall be "... of functions (including processes) over these". (Liu)
Page 414. The 2nd line before Definition 13.7. "... of the recusive path ordering will suffice", where "path" shall be "partial". (Liu)
Page 418. The 6th line of Definition 13.13. " in path formal if it has ...", where "formal" should be "format". (Liu)
Page 424. The first line after the third rule, "with f in \Sigma and n-ary function symbol" where "and" should be "an". (Liu)
Page 351. The last but three line "internal in-edge process channel for for a ,...", where there is a duplication of "for"s, one should be deleted. (Liu)
Page 357. The last line of the last paragraph but two, "an equal probablility ..." where "probablility" is a typo. (Liu)
Page 306. The last but two line of the second code fragement, "M('psi)", where "'psi" shall be "\psi". (Liu)
P580. The second line to the bottom. " of Sect. 16 is to show .........". Here "Sect." should be "Chapter". (Liu)
Page. 600 In the middle of this page, " If one of the values, for example, v2:"
and P601 the first line after the example on the top "Invoking the
closure identified by id2 in the stack model.......". Here "v2" shall be "vm" and "id2" shall be "idm". (Liu)
P605. The first line, " Whereas in ENV1 and ENV2, .........". Here "ENV1" and "ENV2" shall be "ENVa" and "ENVi". (Liu)
Page 628. For figure [0] and [1], "Present Step" is mistakenly designated by "Previous Step". (Liu)
Page 659. The last line of the first paragraph of Sect. 17.1 " We will apply them again, in Chap. 17,............." Here "17" should be 18.
Page 686. The first sentence of the paragraph before Sect. 19.3.2. "So our language has serveral of the capabilities. The properties of a modular, or object-oriented programming lanugage". Here remove "capabilities. The".
Page 688. The example in the middle, "The continuation process structure: \theta:(........'rho......)" Here " 'rho" should be "\rho" (in latex format). (Liu)
Page 693. The second line of Sect 19.5.2 "..... and environments; a set, $\psi$'s , of ..." Here "$\psi$'s" should be "$\pi$s".
Also on Page 693, the third line to the bottom of the last example code,
" \>\>\kw{let} $\psi$ {\EQ} Distribute($\pi$s,ps,$\rho$) \kw{in}\\ "
Here "\rho" should be "\rho' ' " The explanation above this example about "\rho" should also be "\rho' ' ". (Liu)
P695. The definition of Distribute function.
% if `pi&s&={} /* assert: */ pqs={}
% then let `pi:`Pi :- `pi isin `pi&s&, pq:P-list :- pq isin pqs in
% {(pq^<.&stop&(`pi).>,`rho)} union Distribute(`pi&s& \
{`pi},pqs \ {pq},`rho) end
% else {}
Here the expression after "then" should be interchanged with that after
"else". (Liu)
P720. The second item on the top of this page. "Compilation functions which apply to syntactic source language constructs.......". Here "which " shall be removed. (Liu)
Known Errata of Volume 1
Errata, Software Engineering, Volume 1
Abstraction and Modeling
Some known errata are given here for reference.
I recommend the following format and style for typos (J. Xiang):
p.xx, l.yy: ..."typos"... --> ..."corrections"...[?] (XYZ)
(p. : page; xx: page number; l.: line; yy: line number; "typos": the bugs or mistakes; "corrections": the corrections; ...: the words or sentences before or after the "typos"/"corrections"; (XYZ): your initials)
In case you are not confident with the correction, then a optional ? ([] denotes Optionality) can be added at the end of record.
All the typos should be ordered by the page and line numbers, i.e., p.xx, l.yy, such that others can easily find the place and insert new records. In this case, I think the number of record is uncessary.
p.VI, left column poem, l.1: "footseps" --> "footsteps" (Dines Bjorner)
P18. The last sentence of the 4th paragraph, "Michael Jacson [308]
refers to domain descriptions as imperative." Here "domain
descriptions" should be "software design". (Liu Bochao)
P26. The 3rd sentence of the first paragraph of section 1.4.3, "As
for all crafts,....,different size planners, ...". Here "planners" should be "planers". (Liu Bochao)
P95. In item (5), "We express by:\lambda x.\lambda y.\lambda
x. E(x,y,...,z)". Here the third binding variable "\lambda x" should
be "\lambda z". (Liu Bochao)
P101. In the example given just in the 2nd paragraph, type "D"
should be declared. (Liu Bochao)
P101. A typo at the footnote, "evauation" should be "evaluation". (Liu Bochao)
P103. In the example given in the second paragraph,
" ...........
And, instead of expression function application as :
f(a)(b)(c)". Here "expression" should be "expressing". (Liu Bochao)
P110. Section 7.1
"x, \lambda y.e, f(a)
........... We "read" the expression \lambda y.e as follows: The
function of x ..... all free occurrences of the variable x with
\lambda-expression a". Here the last two "x"s should be "y". (Liu Bochao)
P125. The 4th line,
"3. <\phi_0,\phi_1,....,\phi_{n-1}> F^n T> = \phi_{n-1}". Here "F^n"
should be "F^{n-1}". (Liu Bochao)
p.130, l.20: "largest" common multiple --> "lowest" (LI XIN)
p.137, l.-2: really ought to "so" so --> "do" (LI XIN)
p.207, l.11: The "natural numbers" are ... --> The "integers" are ... (Xiang Jianwen)
p.207, l.12: -2,"-2",0,1,2 --> -2, "-1",0,1,2
p.208, l.-10: or $t \neq t'$ (and "$\not\equiv"$) --> or $t \neq t'$ (and "$t \not\equiv t'$") (Xiang Jianwen)
p.209, l.17: there are only and exactly "the three" enumerated values --> there are only and exactly "n" values (Xiang Jianwen)
p.218, Exercise 10.4, l.-12: From "credit cards" one can observe " " customer name, a credit card number, and, hidden from view, "the" number of a credit card account -->
From "a credit card" one can observe "a" customer name, a credit card number, and, hidden from view, "a" number of a credit card account ? (Xiang Jianwen)
p.232, l.17~18: For an early example of what such "rewrites" mean, see Example 16.10. --> The whole sentence should be footnote rather than text? (Xiang Jianwen)
p.232, l.-7: each model is an algebra, a set of named values and a set of named operations on these. --> each model is an algebra, "i.e.," a set of named values and ... (Xiang Jianwen)
p.233, l.1~2: some part of a reality, or of a constructed such, or of requirements to, or of actual software. --> some part of a reality, or of a constructed such "a reality", or of requirements to "the reality", or of actual software. ? (Xiang Jianwen)
p.233, l.9: The model is not what it models, only a model of "it"! --> The model is not what it models, only a model of "what it models"!? (Xiang Jianwen)
p.246, l.16: Examples 12.3 and "and" 12.4 --> Example 12.3 and 12.4 (Xiang Jianwen)
p. 246, l.25: Example 12.3 and "and" 12.4's --> Example 12.3 and 12.4 (Xiang Jianwen)
p. 249, l.2: Example 12.3 and "and" 12.4's --> Example 12.3 and 12.4 (Xiang Jianwen)
p.253, l.5: By "looseness of a specification" we mean a specification which features elements of underspecification or nondeterminism. --> By a loose specification we mean a specification which .... (Xiang Jianwen)
p.328, Example 15.3, the second line "...and let ns be a set of values of type A" -->" ns" should be "sas", as it is defined in the example. (Guoqiang Li)
p.329, Also in Example 15.3, a line before the definition of ''merge:'', there exists a intersection, "elem p(i) \intersection elem p(i+1)" --> "elem p(i) \intersection elem p(i+1)=\emptyset". (Guoqiang Li)
p.433, In the first graph some definitions occur like"By argument_pattern we mean....", and "result_patterm is a pattern with...", however, in the above example, there are no such denotations, similar definitions are "arg_pattern", "res_pattern", respectively, it should be uniformed. (Guoqiang Li)
P434. the 5th line of the first paragraph. "the cases expr of expression" where "cases" should be "case". (Liu Bochao)
P.435, the sixth line after 19.2.1 in the expression $\lambda a. \mathcal{E}_b(a)$, two $a$ should be uniformed. (Guoqiang Li)
p.450, Example 19.10 "case vs of {} -> chaos v \cup vs' -> mk_Sty(xty(v)) end" The comma is missing between "chaos" and "v". (Liu Bochao)
p.451, Example 19.11 "wfBind : Bind' \times VAL -> Bool" It should be "wfBind:Bind' -> Bool".(Liu Bochao)
p.451, Example 19.11 wfBind(mk_ccs(cs,_),mk_SeV(vs)) =
\forall i:Nat . i \in inds cl => wfBind(cl(i), bl(bi(i))) end
In the last line of this case of the function wfBind definition, "bl" and "bi" has never been defined yet. It should be "vl(im(i))". (Liu Bochao)
p.453,Example 19.12,Bind(mk_ccs(cs,on),mk_SeV(vs)) =
=> wfBind(cl(i),bl(bi(i))) in
The same as the previous one. (Liu Bochao)
p.470. footnote. "Simmilar for the use of the I name elow and b[3]" --> "Simmilar for the use of the I name below and [3]".(Liu Bochao)
p.475. The last line " Nm, Tn, 1Loc" where "Tn" should be "Vn".(Liu Bochao)
P.476. The 6th line "SVAL == mkintv(i:Int)mkboolv(b:Bool)LOCV", where "LOCV" should be "LVal". (Liu Bochao)
P.476. The fourth line of "type" declaration for "Location and Value Types", "RType == mkrect(rt:(Rn->1Typ))" with "m" underlying "->", where "Rn" should "Nm". (Liu Bochao)
p.478. The 4th and 6th line of the code just above "Semantics" section. "Sel::v:Vn rn:Rn" where "Rn" should be "Nm"; "Fld==null mkRn(rn:Rn)" where "rn:Rn" should be "rn:Nm".(Liu Bochao)
p.476. The second line to the bottom, "...r:Rn. r\in dom rv..." where "Rn" should be "Nm".(Liu Bochao)
p.481 The last sentence of the paragraph just before Section 20.4.3. "The signature of incr defines that incr applies to a value of type Unit .....", where both "incr" should be "get".(Liu Bochao)
p.484 The third line "These are P(a), e_1, e_2,...e_n, ll(a), ........" where "ll(a)" should be "lst". The 4th example given here "" should be ">". (Liu Bochao)
p497. The 7th line after "Simple Interpretation Functions". "E:almost as defined above, but without dynamic tests" should be "E:almost as defined as above, but without dynamically testing that v is in \rho" (Liu Bochao)
p.499. The fourth line in the second "Techniques" paragraph for "Applicative States". "... a map of state components to (state) component associations...." where "a map of state components" should be "a map of state component names" (Liu Bochao)
p.511 Characterisation. By concurrent
specification programming ..... between actions of proceses
(* proceses is mispelled *) can be left unspecified ..... (Liu Bochao)
p.534 Compound Events. In the first equation, "a.3 -> P7" where "7" should be
eleminated. (Liu Bochao)
p.535 Section Input and Output. The second equation: "d! k:K -> Q(k) = [] k: K . d .k -> P(k)" where "P(k)" should be "Q(k)". (Liu Bochao)
P584. The fourth line "See Vol. 1, Chap. 7 , Sect." Here "Sect." should be "Sect. 7.4.3". (Liu Bochao)
P589 "208. Dependability requirements: .... or robustness
requirements,...or robustness requirements.", where there is a duplication here, "or robustness requirements" should be deleted. (Liu Bochao)
"577. Regular expression:............
.(ii) if r is of the form r r' then L(r r') = {s s : L(r) , s' L(r')
: s = s' ^ s"} ;
(iii) .... L((r')) = {s s : L(r') }
(iv) .....L(r r' ) = {s s \in L(r) \vee s' \in L (r' )}
(v) .....L(r*) = { s s = <> \vee s \in L(r) \vee s' \in L(rr) \vee
s' \in L(rrr) \vee ...}"
The item (ii) should be as follows:
if r is of the form r' r" then L(r' r") = {s s' \in L(r') , s" \in
L(r") , s = s' ^ s" }
And the item (iii) should be the following with "\in" instead of colon:
(iii) .... L((r')) = {s s \in L(r') }
In both (iv) and (v), " s' " should be s.
P629. "585. Reliability:......( ... . As such, accessibility is (to be ) expressed in a machine requirments document.)", were "accessiblity" should be "reliability". (Liu Bochao)
p630. "600. Requirements prescription unit: .... (Usually prescription prescription units ....)"
were "prescription prescription units" should be "requirements prescription units". (Liu Bochao)
p632. "625. Satisfiable: A predicate is said to be satisfied ....", were "satisfied" should be "satisfiable". (Liu Bochao)
p.637. "676. Stage : (1) ...., or which starts from a complete phase
documentation of kind stage, and results in a complete phase
documentation of another stage kind ...." , where the first "kind stage" should be "stage kind". (Liu Bochao)
p.638 "685. Step: ... from a more abstract to a more concrete description.", where "description" should be "description (or prescription, or specification)". (Liu Bochao)
p.638 "688. Store: Same as store ...." , where "same as store" should be "same as storage".
p.646 The third line, "...(i--ii) if the shared ....", where "(i--ii)" should be "(i)". (Liu Bochao)
p.646 "Value:....past participle of Latin valEre to be worth, be strong.....", where "be worth" should be "be of worth". (Liu Bochao)
p.647 "Vertex :Same as an edge", where "edge" should be "node". (Liu Bochao)
About the editing and transformation of .eps files
Mr. Liu have proposed a method to solve the eps file editing and transformation problem, but I think it is too "complicated", ^_^. As an alternative, I recommend to use some vector graphical tools, such as Adobe Illustrator.
A nice tool - PSfrag for Eps file
We need to translate the English in .eps files into Chinese. I find a nice tool to tackle this problem, called PSfrag. In the following, I will present the steps:
1. In the preamble of latex file, add the following:
2. Wherever there is a \DBfigure (I have redefined it in the cjkpre.tex to support Chinese), specify the substitution in the following forms before \DBfigure:
\psfrag{declared}{\tiny{\bf 声明的}}
\psfrag{named}{\tiny{\bf 命名}}
\psfrag{variable}{\tiny{\bf 变量}}
\psfrag{Four dynamically allocated records: }{\tiny{\bf 四个动态分配的记
\DBfigure{../volI/1ch20/\pt{}{L}1ch20-nyref-fig}% F:60, B:40
Trick: a. Use any text editor to open the xxx.eps file, locate the string in the ps command. Note that only those strings that are enclosed by "(...)" can be substituted. Even the space char after "A sentinel variable named:" must be specified and thus we have "A sentinel variable named: "(note the space after ":").
/Helvetica-Bold ff 270.00 scf sf
6375 6975 m
gs 1 -1 sc (A sentinel variable named: ) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr
/Helvetica-Narrow-Bold ff 270.00 scf sf
5000 6975 m
gs 1 -1 sc (pv) col0 sh gr
/Helvetica-Bold ff 240.00 scf sf
5850 4275 m
gs 1 -1 sc (dynamically allocated) col0 sh gr
/Helvetica-Bold ff 240.00 scf sf
5850 4575 m
gs 1 -1 sc (unnamed, but) col0 sh gr
/Helvetica-Bold ff 240.00 scf sf
b. The pair like 5850 4575 means the x and y coordinates. You can freely change them to adjust the position in the picture to get a nice result.
3. Enclose the above code fragment into the environment psfrags:
\psfrag{declared}{\tiny{\bf 声明的}}
\psfrag{named}{\tiny{\bf 命名}}
\psfrag{variable}{\tiny{\bf 变量}}
\DBfigure{../volI/1ch20/\pt{}{L}1ch20-nyref-fig}% F:60, B:40
The intention is to make the global effective commnd \psfrag into local effective ones inside the environment psfrags.
4. Compile file and see the result.
a. latex xxx.tex.
b. dvips xxx.dvi
c. see the result in .ps version.