Monday, October 23, 2006

Known Errata of Volume 3

Errata, Software Engineering, Volume 3

Domains, Requirements and Software Design

Some known errata are given here for reference.

I recommend the following format and style for typos (J. Xiang):

p.xx, l.yy: ..."typos"... --> ..."corrections"...[?] (XYZ)

(p. : page; xx: page number; l.: line; yy: line number; "typos": the bugs or mistakes; "corrections": the corrections; ...: the words or sentences before or after the "typos"/"corrections"; (XYZ): your initials)

In case you are not confident with the correction, then a optional ? ([] denotes Optionality) can be added at the end of record.

All the typos should be ordered by the page and line numbers, i.e., p.xx, l.yy, such that others can easily find the place and insert new records. In this case, I think the number of record is uncessary.


p.274 In the figure named Formal Presentation: Railway blahblah", the line after bold word Axiom, og:"OG" --> og:"oG" (Guoqiangli)

p.429 Section 19.5 Interface Requirements. Under the Characterisation, the first paragraph, the second sentence: "It must be en entity ." where "en" should be "an" . (Liu Bochao)


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